With over more than 160 years of expertise, Boucheron takes the greatest care in selecting each diamond to offer you exceptional stones. Beyond the intrinsic quality of the stone, its value lies in the emotion it reflects. The quality of a diamond can be appreciated according to a harmony of four inseparable criteria, named the "4Cs" (carat, color, clarity, cut).
Cut. Color. Clarity. Carat.
Four essential characteristics, known as the "4Cs", for choosing the perfect diamond. At Boucheron, we have added a fifth: intention.
We believe that the real value of a stone lies in the emotion that it conveys.
The carat is the unit of measurement used to evaluate the weight of stones, including diamonds. The term comes from the seed of the carob tree, which has the particularity of keeping the same weight over time. It was used as a unit of measurement by merchants in the gold trade, particularly in Africa and then in India. The carat has been officially established at 0.20 grams since 1906.
It determines the weight of the diamond, but it can never by itself determine its value. The other three criteria are also essential.
The 4Cs are inseparable.
The color of a diamond is measured according to an international grading system ranging from D to Z. A D-color diamond will be perfectly colorless, while a Z-color diamond will be yellow in hue.
The diamonds selected by the Maison are between D and G.
FL-IF: no internal or external defects.
VVS1: tiny inclusion that is very difficult to see with a 10 X magnifying glass on the extremities.
VVS2: tiny inclusion that is very difficult to see with a 10 X magnifying glass on the center.
VS1-VS2: very small inclusions that are difficult to see with a 10 X magnifying glass and, in some cases, with the naked eye (on the extremities for VS1 and on the center for VS2).
SI1: small inclusions that are easily visible with a 10 X magnifying glass and, in some cases, with the naked eye.
I1-I2-I3 : presence of defects. Inclusions that are very easily visible with a 10 X magnifying glass and, in most cases, with the naked eye.
To evaluate the purity of a diamond, its inclusions must be studied. They can come in different forms (a crystal, a cloud) and can affect the path of light in the stone. The purity grading of diamonds is classified according to international standards ranging from FL to I3. Boucheron only selects diamonds with a purity ranging from FL to VS2 under a X10 microscope.
La précision de la taille du diamant est le critère qui lui confère toute sa brillance. La Maison Boucheron propose uniquement des diamants de taille « très bonne » à « excellente », cela indique que les facettes de la pierre ont été taillées de façon parfaitement symétrique afin d’assurer une réflexion exceptionnelle de la lumière.
Parce que parmi les critères d’excellence de la Maison, celui de l’éthique est essentiel, la Maison Boucheron s’engage à respecter des pratiques joaillières responsables en matière de production et d’approvisionnement.
Depuis 2011, Boucheron est membre certifié du RJC (Responsible Jewellery Council), organisation soutenant et promouvant les pratiques responsables dans la chaîne d’approvisionnement. En adhérant au Code de bonnes pratiques du RJC, notre Maison s’engage pour une plus grande transparence de ses pratiques éthiques, environnementales et sociales.
Nos conseillers vous accompagnent dans le choix de votre création Boucheron.
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